Episode 7: 99 panels and a bitch ain't one

This week, Sara and I run down our top 4 favorite things about living ye olde homestead life. Sara did 6 because she's pretty.

Here's a link to the Top Four Podcast by Marco and Tiff Arment.

We talked a little more in-depth about our massive solar panel installation. We have two arrays, installed roughly 3 years apart. The first is a 10kW array consisting of 40 250-watt panels, each with their own micro-inverter. The second array is 59 325-watt panels that feed into three batch-inverters.

The photos on the social media post for this episode are of the two arrays.

We resist the urge to put in a big, glass victorian-style conservatory greenhouse. Greenhouses are like the European sports cars of the out-building world. Super sexy and cool, but a nightmare to maintain and repair.

We were a day late this month, but in April, we'll head out to Uniontown to check out the poultry swap meet. We gonna get a pterodactyl.

Shout out to our favorite Chinese restaurant, Bean Curd. Come for the general tso's chicken (this is the platonic ideal general tso's chicken that all other general tso's chicken tries to emulate), stay for the hospitality. This is the first time I've ever even looked at their website and it kind of sucks, so that means the food is extra special good.

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Episode 5: Domino effect of calamities

In this episode, we run down the extensive list of vitamins, supplements, and herbal enhancements we take and then rant about how living in the woods is lookin' pretty good as the world goes to hell in a hand basket.

Today’s episode is split between a conversation about the long list of vitamins and supplements we take for various reasons and a minor tangent on how living with a depression-era mentality can insulate you from economic trends that are outside your control.

The supplement segment runs until 52:08 in case that is painfully boring for you.

These are Bob’s daily supplements. A lot of these overlap with Sara’s regimen, but she’s at the gym and can’t provide her list with links at the moment.

Vitamin D3

Krill Oil


Vitamin B6



Vitamin E



Valerian Root


Magnesium Glycinate



Methylene Blue

We’d love to hear what you take to maintain your health and performance edge. Feel free to either post a comment on Facebook or Instagram or shoot us an email at tabardfarm@gmail.com

Additionally, we’re going to be rolling out a referral program via Memberful where you’ll get a couple months free for referring new listeners. More info on that to come shortly

Episode 4: Yes, come get it.

Sara got a text from someone on Facebook from the next town over asking if we were missing a goat. This lead to us acquiring said goat. This week was also our big wine tasting session to see if we could discern a $200 bottle of wine from a $14 bottle of wine. In between, we ordered some chicks, broke a deli case, and laid out a plan to stop our creek from consuming our house. Every day is getting busier and busier as we transition from business owners back to homesteaders. What a time to be alive.

If you would like to listen to our podcast, please click the Subscriptions link. It’s only $5 per month and a new episode is released each week. That comes out to $1.25 per episode. It costs a lot more than that to ruin your life.

Episode 3: 75 Hard

In this episode, we get to hear from Sara a lot more than the first couple episodes. Today, we talked about our new podcast equipment, questions from people about dogs, predators, and transitioning to a homestead life... as well as Sara's hardcore health and lifestyle program, the importance of building productive habits, and finding joy in necessary labors.

If you would like to listen to our podcast, please click the Subscriptions link. It’s only $5 per month and a new episode is released each week. That comes out to $1.25 per episode. It costs a lot more than that to ruin your life.

Episode 2: How it Started, and How it's Going

In this episode, we go through the history of Heritage Craft Butchers from the idea's conception up until last week, when we closed the business. This isn't a comprehensive case study, but it pretty neatly summarizes the entire adventure so we can get that out of the way and move on to talking about new and exciting things.

If you would like to listen to our podcast, please click the Subscriptions link. It’s only $5 per month and a new episode is released each week. That comes out to $1.25 per episode. It costs a lot more than that to ruin your life.

Episode 1: Motivation or Compulsion?

Every day, every single person engages with the world through their actions, driven primarily by either a conscious or an unconscious desire to achieve something by way of those actions. In this episode, we talk about how at the root of all of our actions is a desire to find happiness, even if it’s just for a moment.

If you would like to listen to our podcast, please click the Subscriptions link. It’s only $5 per month and a new episode is released each week. That comes out to $1.25 per episode. It costs a lot more than that to ruin your life.