Episode 39: Nothing Works the First Time
I’m still working on a heating solution for the greenhouse. The plan, which is in motion, is a double-decker barrel stove set into a stall. An inline duct fan will pull warm air from the stall and blow it up through the floor of the greenhouse. We shall see how well that works.
Additionally, Sara and I will be starting a YouTube cooking show, soon. I’ve spent several days fiddling with some new technology to get a workflow set up for recording that show. This is the source of this week’s title… When every part of the process doesn’t go as expected, it makes you want to throw your hands up in defeat, but solving a series of small problems results in solving the big problems and we’re one cable away from having everything “just work.”
This is an interesting article about periodic bursts of radiation as observed in tree ring analysis. This would bode poorly for modern society and its reliance on technology and communications architecture. Between this kind of scenario and the looming threat of THERMONUCLEAR WAR, I’m thinking about turning a small utility room into a Faraday cage to house a digital archive of useful information.
Speaking of World War III, North Korea is thirsty for attention.
And that’s the episode for this week, more or less. When Episode 40 drops next week, half of the population will probably be in post-election meltdown mode. All that’s left up in the air is… which half?