Episode 5: Domino effect of calamities
In this episode, we run down the extensive list of vitamins, supplements, and herbal enhancements we take and then rant about how living in the woods is lookin' pretty good as the world goes to hell in a hand basket.
Today’s episode is split between a conversation about the long list of vitamins and supplements we take for various reasons and a minor tangent on how living with a depression-era mentality can insulate you from economic trends that are outside your control.
The supplement segment runs until 52:08 in case that is painfully boring for you.
These are Bob’s daily supplements. A lot of these overlap with Sara’s regimen, but she’s at the gym and can’t provide her list with links at the moment.
We’d love to hear what you take to maintain your health and performance edge. Feel free to either post a comment on Facebook or Instagram or shoot us an email at tabardfarm@gmail.com
Additionally, we’re going to be rolling out a referral program via Memberful where you’ll get a couple months free for referring new listeners. More info on that to come shortly