Episode 8: They must have really good chicken wings here
On this week's episode, we look a little deeper into the origin of Bob's anxiety with regard to his restaurant pet peeves. Turns out, he had a couple of uncomfortable church-related experiences and it's not what you perverts are thinking.
On the homestead front, we talk about how you have to plan for a deluge of food items intermittently throughout the year and how your homestead superpower is possessing the knowledge and skill to convert today's produce into tomorrow's value-added item.
The goats have names and so does the single successfully-hatched chick from our first run on the new incubator.
We have a sourdough starter... started... just in time for both of us to abstain from wheat for a month.
Sara started her new phase of 75 Hard yesterday, so you can call her GI Jane and I won't slap you.
I mentioned, briefly, a book called The Bread Bible, which dovetails nicely with the religious themes of this week's episode. Here's an amazon link.
And if you have any interest in the works of Geoffrey Chaucer, the "best" anthology, in my estimation, is The Riverside Chaucer. Do NOT spend $602 on that book. There's a paperback version on amazon, but this is the one I have from W&J's bookstore back in two thousand dickety two and I think it cost me 85 dollars or thereabouts: Link