Episode 15: It's not a conspiracy theory, it's a conspiracy hypothesis
It's mid-May, so we're in full blown garden mode. This week, cucumbers, zucchini, tomatoes, melons, and beans went in the ground. The poultry development is sort of in a lull where nothing new is happening while we wait for the birds to fill out and get bigger.
There are a number of pressing issue in America and beyond... inflation is chugging along at ~9%, though the higher it goes, the more apparent it is that it's a "managed" number. Many people are seeing their money devalued at a much faster rate, depending on the basket of goods they purchase most frequently. But even if you have the money, many items are in short supply. The most concerning of those is baby formula, the scarcity of which is bordering on a crisis for many new mothers.
It's becoming apparent that the most influential figure in so many historical reversals of fortunes is Unforeseen Consequences. Baby formula is tightly regulated for quality, safety, and nutritional integrity. Those regulations are a barrier to entry for new entrants to that market, which leaves the market served by a small number of producers. When a problem arises and production is halted, there aren't any other producers ready to step up and fill in the gaps of supply. When everything is working as intended, you have abundant, high quality formula. When something goes awry, the shelves go empty.
Interview with John Boyd Jr. about the coming food shortages - This link is to Fairmont, WV’s WBOY-TV website. The original article was from somewhere else, but in the interim, it’s been disseminated to lots of small market stations around the country, lending even more credence to my theory (ahem, hypothesis) that this is a legit story that will play out over the coming months.
Mimolette cheese ban - From my cold, dead hands, you bastards.